This simple system by a self-described “betting slacker”, makes a few grand per year from the horses. And it's so obvious it's...

Dear Friend,

If you want to bank a couple of grand a year by following a betting strategy that is so obvious you will either laugh or cry when you read it...

Then this letter will show you how.

Hello. My name is Brian Bennett.

For more than two decades I've been building strategies for profiting from horse racing.

And for the past couple of years I've been sharing the systems I use every day, helping others to get rich from betting.

I didn't start out as a successful punter of course. I'm self-made.

I had to be after I lost a fortune following tipsters.

That's when I vowed to master betting myself.

I read all the classic betting books and even attended conferences and seminars.

As I began to bet my own selections, and to get better at it, I realised the importance of focus.

Instead of trying to study every aspect of form, by concentrating on just one strategy, I greatly increased my chances of winning.

And that's ultimately how I came up with my Manifest Moneymaker strategy.

As you're about to discover, not only is this system easier to make money with than anything else you've seen, but it's also...

A "Set And Forget" System

It takes me around 10 minutes a day to find the selections and place the bets.

But this wasn't always the case.

Let me explain...

I first got the idea for this strategy when I read a popular racing book that was released way back in 2008.

The information within it blew my mind as it focused on an aspect of form I had never considered before.

I knew straight away that I just wanted to focus on this one form filter.

And I began to profit very, very quickly.

But there was bad news...

Even though I was only looking at one single factor, it used to take me over an hour to find my selections each day.

I didn't mind too much back then, because I was profiting for the first time in my betting life.

But it was still a bit of a drag.

Thankfully things have changed today.


ONE Single Form Factor From ONE Single Website Makes Me More Profit Than Any Tipster EVER Has

That's right.

I only need to load up one website and check one form factor in order to profit.

This is exactly why it only takes me 10 minutes a day to use this system.

  • I
  • I don't need to dig into a horse's racing histroy with a fine-tooth comb.
  • I
  • I

When I first started testing this strategy over FIFTEEN years ago I couldn't believe it actually worked.

Like most, I had been taught that you get out what you put in. I thought I needed to put in the hours in order to profit.

Famously, the professional gambler Patrick Veitch used to study up to 100 factors for a single horse race and used to "work" 100+ hours a week.

That is what I thought was required.

But when I realised the power of focus, I realised this was a load of rubbish.

Focusing on just one form factor can be more powerful than you think.

And my Manifest Moneymaker system is testament to that.

So why did I call it that?

Well, according to the dictionary “manifest” means... “clear and obvious”.

And that describes this strategy to a T.

And yet most punters will never think of doing it. It's still under the radar. And the genius is in it's simplicity.

It's time to stop over complicating your betting.

Stop spending hours reading the form and studying stats.

Become a "betting slacker" like me and make more money from betting than any tipster can provide.

You'll pick up the strategy instantly. I can promise you that.

In fact...

Punters Tell Me It's The Simplest Betting System They've Ever Seen

I've detailed the strategy in a short report that is fewer than 15 pages long.

You'll be able to begin using the system instantly. Literally after your first read through.

You won't need a week to get the hang of the system.

After you've read it, you'll understand it straight away.

Like I said, you just need to check ONE form factor on ONE website.

No betting system is more simple to follow than this.

Now something else that needs to be said...

"This is a NO BULLSHIT Zone!"

I don't make £200,000 a year from betting and I'm not going to show you obviously photoshopped betting accounts.

I'm not going to say you can buy your dream beach home or a sports car using this.

So you won't see those stupid images on this website (unlike so many other betting/tipster websites I've seen).

I mean what I said.

If you're a £10 staker you can make £1,000 profit in a year with as little as 5 mins a day.

That might not sound like much, but imagine what you could so with an extra £1,000 in your pocket in a year from now.

And that's only if you're a £10 staker.

If you're a bigger punter you can make a lot more.

If you want to try this strategy out for yourself you can buy it using the link below.

It costs £57.

That's a one-off fee. You're not stuck with subscription fee going forwards.

Why Pay a Tipster Every Month When You Can do it Yourself for a Fraction of the Cost?

I don't mean to disparage ALL tipsters. But let's be honest...

How many have let you down?

In my experience, it's been the vast majority.

And the worst thing is they want you to keep paying them every month.

If they have a losing month they still expect to get paid.


With my strategy, you just pay me once.

And then it's yours to use for the rest of your life.

That's a much better deal in my book.

OK, this letter has gone on long enough now, so let's cut to the chase...

"Here's What You're Going To Get"

  • A strategy that will take you 5-10 minutes a day to find the bets.
  • A strategy that does NOT involve any form reading.
  • 3 staking plans to maximise your profits depending on how much risk you like to take.
  • 3 ways in which to can take the strategy even further and make EVEN more profit.

"Here's How You Get It"

Just click on the "Add To Cart" button below and you can start profiting from this strategy immediately.

Click Here To Learn The Manifest Moneymaker Strategy Today

Brian Bennett

P.S. After you've paid you'll be directed automatically to the confirmation page which contains your receipt and a link to download the strategy.

The link to download the strategy looks like this: